Inside-Out: Body, Symptoms & Food
7 Day Retreat at Las Coumeilles, Cathar country, France

For Women of All Ages, Shapes and Sizes
An in-depth experience of The Work of Byron Katie, Constellations, Voice Dialogue, Inner Child work, bringing focussed, powerful & gentle inquiry to your stressful beliefs around your body - looks, health, pain, food, eating, addictions, & relationship - freeing your heart to sing with joy. Know your mind, and your body (your world) becomes a kinder, more peaceful place.
Part One - Body:
Discover and deepen the power of Inquiry on issues of the body, warts and all. Is it your friend or enemy? Do you wish it were different? How do you see others and they see you? Are you your body? Do you wonder who you are without a body?
Do you:
wish you looked different?
react to the media’s portrayal of airbrushed, glamourised women?
fear aging or dying?
believe you are unattractive, weak, or ugly
see your face as better looking than your body?
choose clothes to disguise/improve your shape?
judge yourself & others by appearance?
think your body unreliable, unhealthy?
fear losing your mobility, sight, hearing?
keep trying harder?
feel like just giving up?
consider cosmetic surgery?
Identified with these beliefs, we may find ourselves living contracted, half-hidden, secret lives.
Discover a world free of shame or judgement, find what is true for you; welcome the body you abandoned long ago; expand your confidence and connect with others in a joyful, celebratory space. Grow new friendships. Take home tools and skills to serve yourself and others in any situation.
Possibility of Daily yoga and meditation with Lara Osgood.
Part Two - Symptoms
The Mythology, The Archetypes and The Story
What is the point of pain? How can you deal with it?
Do you inhabit your symptom or does it inhabit you?
What if your body fails you?
Is your body trying to tell you something?
Will the symptom go away if you understand it?
Have you acquired, created, or inherited it?
How do you/will you live with it?
How does it impact on your life?
There’s often a remarkable story waiting to emerge once we open this channel and pay attention.
Part Three - Food - Love it, need it,
can’t live without it, can’t control it?
Are you happy with your relationship to food?
Do you struggle with addictions (no need to tell!)?
What if people saw the real you?
Do you prefer to feed others or be fed?
What’s missing in your life, that you try to get from food?
Does your eating affect your relationships?
Do you sign up for diets, follow regimes, push yourself?
Limit yourself according to a food authority?
Do you fantasise about food?
(NB we are not giving dietary advice)
Two days exploring this most fundamental and often most problematic and sometimes painful aspect of being alive.
Can you see yourself free of stress around food, comfortable with eating? Imagine how your life would change? It just might be simpler & sooner than you think!
These three elements of this retreat will weave together into an integrated whole as we move through the week, supported throughout by daily Yoga and Meditation.
Price range 500€ shared 725€ single. For more info on travel and accommodation please cemail me :
Tel: 07946476048
To register your interest complete the form below.
No payment will be taken at this point.
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"I can only recommend this from the bottom of my heart. It was just an amazing experience, so much deep knowledge and love shared from Tamara and all the friends, including the all the staff and owner of Fontallorso.
"The subject of Tamara's retreat was an inquiry into Deep Positive Adaptation in relation to the global crisis which is facing our world. This retreat allowed me to move one step closer in my determination to do as much as I can to take responsibility for my actions in this crisis which faces us all.
"This is a golden opportunity for anyone out there who would like to go on a very interesting introspection about life on this planet in beautiful settings, comfortable house, and Tamara's excellent guidance, all at a very affordable price".
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