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Tamara Alferoff

MA, DipPsych. Supervisor. Mentor. Group & Retreat Facilitator

Who would you be without your story?

 Would you like to be... ?


  • free of fear, regret, resentment

  • leading a conscious, fulfilling life 

  • relaxed & confident whatever happens

  • working the hours & with the Income you desire

  • with the family & friends that nourish & support you

  • having fun, eager to start your day & to return home   

  If it's a Yes, and you want help to find out how, email me to:

  • find out what stops you

  • discuss your next step

  • explore your dreams, plan for the future

  • discover the influence of your ancestry

  • befriend your feelings, appreciate your body

  • develop the ability to stay present and responsive

  • acquire powerful, simple skills & tools for your & others’ benefit

Advanced Transpersonal Group Facilitation Training

Rescheduled: New Date Coming Soon

Renaissance Tusscany

9th-15th Sept 2024

Treat yourself to an elevating, nurturing week of dreams, myth, archetypes and creativity in the mellow hills of Tuscany

Date TBC

Heroine's Journey

Retreat in France

Heroine’s Journey: Daughter, Mother, Beloved, High Priestess

Date TBC

Deep Ecology Workshop

Deep Ecology is the Art of Living in Peace Through Climate Chaos, Personal & Social Challenge

Date TBC

Body, Symptoms,  Food

women's Retreat in

Discover the Power of Inquiry on Issues of the Body, Symptoms, and Food


Online courses and webinars, Meetup groups, Workshops and Private Sessions for Individuals, Couples and Families.

Click on the relevant image below to find out more.

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